Reflect, Recharge + Keep it Moving

Reflect, Recharge + Keep it Moving

Can you believe we're already halfway through the year? I guess time flies when you're busy creating beautiful things and chasing your dreams….right?! Whether you’re happy with your progress or feel like you’re completely off track, now is a good time to Reflect + Recharge for the second half of the year…here’s some suggestions:

Mid-Year Reflections

  1. Review Your Goals: Revisit the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Which ones have you accomplished? Which ones need more attention? Did you choose a Word of the Year? How is that going? Be honest with yourself. 
  2. Celebrate Your Wins: Take a moment to acknowledge all your achievements, big or small. Every step forward is a victory worth celebrating!
  3. Identify the Challenges: Reflect on the obstacles you've faced. What did you learn from them? How did they help you grow?

Revise + Recharge

  1. Revisit and Revise: It's okay if your goals have shifted. Update them to reflect where you are now and where you want to go.
  2. Create a Plan: Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. A clear plan can make even the biggest goals feel attainable.
  3. Stay Positive: Keep those positive affirmations flowing! Remind yourself daily that you are capable and creative. I share Positive Affirmations on IG weekly if you need some inspo (@megbonco)!

Keep it Moving…tips for the last half of 2024

  • Journal Your Journey: Write down your thoughts, progress, and plans. It's a great way to stay connected with your goals. Grab this FREE Journaling Resource if you need to help getting started with journaling! 
  • Set Mini Milestones: Celebrate small victories along the way. They add up and keep you motivated. I encourage you to think of one thing everyday to celebrate. Writing it down can also help you remember all the little happies along the way! If daily is out of the question, try weekly or monthly! 

Those small steps everyday are going to get you to your goals. Keep pushing forward, stay creative, and have an amazing second half of your year!  

Create Often + Spread Love

xo, meg

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