So You're Learning Something New?!

So You're Learning Something New?!

It's [always] a great day to learn something new, but how do we get better at the things we care about? (...perhaps learning calligraphy!) Maybe you remember a teacher or coach telling you to "practice, practice, practice!" if you wanted to get better. While this is true...there's more to it.


A few summers ago, I went to a week-long teaching workshop. On day 1 the presenter showed a TED Talk by Eduardo Briceno that opened my mind to some new ideas.

In short, he talks about two Zones:

  • THE LEARNING ZONE - This is the zone where you reflect, practice, expect mistakes to happen. Here the stakes are low. 
  • THE PERFORMANCE ZONE - In this zone you're applying your knowledge and/or performing.

If you've ever wanted to learn calligraphy, you're definitely in the learning zone. This is great news! Here you can expect to make mistakes while the stakes are low. You don't have to show anyone your sketch pad. You don't need to stress out.  It's normal for things to not look perfect or the way you drew it up in your head. Just have some fun while you figure it out! 

Faux calligraphy is a great place to start! You can grab my printable Introduction to Faux Calligraphy Workbook if you're not sure where to begin. You'll learn the basic strokes and be able to practice all the lowercase letters using whatever pen you find in your junk drawer!

Reminder: This amazing TedTalk can be viewed HERE and I highly recommend it to everyone. 

 If you're interested in learning about Faux Calligraphy, grab my Introduction to Faux Calligraphy Workbook HERE!

Faux Calligraphy Workbook


Cheers to learning new things...expecting to make mistakes! 


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