Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginner Calligraphers

Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginner Calligraphers

Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginners
Here are my Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginners 
1. Crayola Broad Line Markers 
2. Tombow Fudenosuke  
3. Pentel Arts Sign Pen Touch 
4. Prismacolor Scholar Art Markers 
5. Tombow Dual Brush Pens 
 ♡ Browse them all here! 


Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginners 

Click here to get the complete guide and learn more about why these are my favorites!  
 Not all pens are created equal...especially for beginners.
If I got a dollar for every brush pen I destroyed my first year of learning calligraphy, I'd be a rich, rich girl. When I first jumped into Brush Calligraphy a few years ago I had NO idea what I was doing. I bought the expensive pens the pros were using, grabbed some random paper I had laying around, and one-by-one ruined each and every pen. 
I didn't realize that not all brush pens are created equal. Many of those pens the pros were using were really just not great for beginners. The brush pens were so flexible and flimsy that I had no control. I didn't realize it takes time + practice to learn the basic strokes and build muscle memory to write well with some of those pens. I also didn't realize that certain kinds of paper could (and would) destroy those delicate brush pens. 
Some of the brush tips were so flexible that I had little control of the pen. I also ended up destroying some of them because I didn't know there was certain kinds of paper that would wear down the brush tips. I made a lot of mistakes that first year, but I'm happy to report you don't have to make them!
Here are my Top 5 Brush Pens for Beginners 
1. Crayola Broad Line Markers 
2. Tombow Fudenosuke  
3. Pentel Arts Sign Pen Touch 
4. Prismacolor Scholar Art Markers 
5. Tombow Dual Brush Pens 
 ♡ Browse them all here! ♡



Click here to get the complete guide and learn more about why these are my favorites!  


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